0 BlogKensington Alpine ClubKensington ToursKensington Tours Mountaineering ClubSkåneleden Transition difficulties January 18, 2025 Mikael Strandberg
0 africaBlognorth america A Different Approach to Adventure By Kyle Henning July 4, 2013December 21, 2014 admin
1 africaBlogImage Gallery Life after the Big Adventure by Kyle Henning March 16, 2012December 22, 2014 admin
0 antarcticaarcticBlogImage GalleryOutdoor articles Why I climbed Mount Everest August 19, 2011December 22, 2014 Mikael Strandberg
0 africaBlogImage GalleryRegarding Expeditions, adventures and the meaning of life I made it from the lowest to the highest! April 8, 2011December 22, 2014 admin
0 africaBlogRegarding Expeditions, adventures and the meaning of life Expedition Low 2 High In Africa December 24, 2010October 11, 2015 Mikael Strandberg
12 africaBlogOpinionsRegarding Expeditions, adventures and the meaning of life What constitutes an Expedition? August 2, 2010December 29, 2014 Mikael Strandberg