0 BlogEtt Grönländskt Äventyr Ett Grönländskt Äventyr – Bra Länkar February 16, 2020February 4, 2020 Mikael Strandberg
0 adventureBlogEtt Grönländskt Äventyrexplorers clubfilm makingmotivational speaker Annual Meeting AT The Explorers Club February 2, 2020February 3, 2020 Mikael Strandberg
0 adventureagingBlogdocumentaryEtt Grönländskt ÄventyrExpedition preparationsexplorers club Expedition Preparations, part 5; Ready To Race In April January 31, 2020January 31, 2020 Mikael Strandberg
0 adventurearcticBlogdocumentaryPolar ExpeditionsiberiaYakutia Press Conferences January 29, 2020January 29, 2020 Mikael Strandberg
1 adventureBlogGreenlandMan With A FamilyMannen Med FamiljenNuuk Hur vi hittade var i Grönland vi skulle bo/How we found which place to live in Greenland January 27, 2020January 27, 2020 Mikael Strandberg
0 adventureBlogmotivational speaker “What´s next?” and “How many dangerous animals have you met face to face?” January 26, 2020January 26, 2020 Mikael Strandberg
0 adventureBlogEquipmentEtt Grönländskt ÄventyrExpedition preparationsGreenland Greenland Equipment Lists January 21, 2020January 21, 2020 Mikael Strandberg
0 adventureBlogExpedition preparationsGreenlandOutdoors Qajaq in Mölle January 2, 2020January 28, 2020 Mikael Strandberg
0 adventureagingBlogExpedition preparationslongevity Expedition Preparations, part 4: Recovery December 31, 2019December 31, 2019 Mikael Strandberg
0 adventureBlogEquipmentExpedition preparationsexplorers clubGreenland Best equipment from the Greenland Expedition and project? Åsnes Skis December 29, 2019December 29, 2019 Mikael Strandberg