What do you need all that kit for?
This is what Mabkhout Al Mahra asked me the first hour when we started to pack Kensington the Camel before setting off to cross the Sands of Al Mahra.
“Get rid of it, we Bedus need nothing to survive out here.”
And he was right. Humankind can survive without most things if you either have the knowledge or the background to do this. But for most of us, we need good gear to enjoy, survive and return home positive from our journey or adventure. And good kit takes away a lot of aggression, problems and energy which instead can be focused on enjoyment.
Since I started my site I have received many offers of free equipment if I could test it professionally and write an honest review. I haven´t really had time, but after my Yemen Expedition, I think I can make a contribution by doing this and help other consumers pick the right choice of kit and avoid many sad times. Or by choosing the right piece of kit, enjoying the outdoors even more.
I will use a scale of rating from 1, which is useless and dangerous to 10, which is a must and a necessity! A product should have 7 or more to be expedition worthy in mind.

1. Fuizion Freeze Dried Food, a UK product, read review here! (14/9/2012)
2. Soto Muka Stove, a Japanese product, read review here! (27/9/2012)
3. Berghaus Bioflex 45, a British product, read review here! (17/12/2012)
4. Mountain Buggy Terrain, a New Zealand product, read review here! (22/9/2014)
5. Lifeventure Altai 65 Backpack, a UK product, read review here! (25/9/2014)
6. Mesa Mesa V2 Convertible Pants Mountain Hardwear, an American product, read review here! (29/9/2014)
7. Friluftsmat, a Swedish outdoor food product (in Swedish), read review here! (24/12/2015)
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