187. Hannah Pierce-Carlson, blogger, writer, photographer, adventurer and mum. Read her article here!
186. Peter Wilson, author, helicopter pilot, adventurer, explorer writes about hsi preparations for crossing the Greenlandic Icecap. Read here!
185. Anna Kowalczyk, a runner, traveler, English Teacher, parent of a child with Autism spectrum disorder, helps people to understand the aspects of autism. About freedom and the Covid-19 situation in Poland.
184. Pamela Berg, social antropologist with thoughts from Uummannaq in Greenland during the Covid-19. Read here!
183. Arita Baaijens explorer, writer and lecturer writes an important note. Read here!
182. Pam Dorje Sherpa famous nepalese sherpa writes about the tragedy of the landslides. Read here!
181. Alicia Colson explorer and academic writes about That Lost Continet. Read here!
180. Galya Morrel explorer and artist writes about Coming Out Of The Cocoon. Read here!
179. Patrick Hutton adventurer and film maker writes about the tech part how to do a documentary of your Expedition. Read here!
178. Patrick Hutton adveturer and film maker writes how to do your Expedition documentary. Read here!
177. Alan Arnette acclaimed mountaineer writes about how you can help Nepal. Read here!
176. Jackie Chase acclaimed travel writer, writes about a visit to the orangutangs on Borneo. Read here!
175. Jayme Feary, writer, traveller goes homeless to see who cares. Read here!
174. Julian Monroe Fisher writes a great opinionated article about Exploring Beyond The Culture Of Contest, read here!
173. Jackie Chase acclaimed travel writer, writes about a visit to the Auca Indians in the Amazonas. Read here!
172. Sandy McCallum is an athlete, motivational speaker and writer who writes about getting burned out and how to return to normal. Read here!
171. Justin Marozzi s a writer, explorer and his latest book is Baghdad: City of Peace, City of Blood and he has written an article about immigration to the UK here!
170. Jackie Chase, acclaimed travel writer, writes about the Morsi tribe here!
169. Barry Moss MI’94 former Chairman of the British Chapter since 1998 and has also served two terms as a Board Director of the Explorers Club in New York. He writes about England of today here!
168. Kyle Foster writes about his thoughts at the new developments in Yemen here! And a new story here!
167. Leon McCarron is adventurer och film maker from Northern ireland who has written about cycling across North America. Read here!
166. Jim Clash is an Explorers Club Fellow and Director, is author of “The Right Stuff: Interviews With Icons of the 1960s” and “The Right Stuff: Interviews With Icons of the 1970s and 1980s” (AskMen, 2012), and “Forbes To The Limits” (Wiley, 2003). He writes about taking a bullet for fun in Bogotá here!

Clash, with spent shell casing and bullet lead.
165. Roz Savage is a MBE FRGS is an ocean rower, environmental campaigner, author and speaker and writes about a brutal psychological stress experiment here!
164. Jim Clash is an Explorers Club Fellow and Director, is author of “The Right Stuff: Interviews With Icons of the 1960s” and “The Right Stuff: Interviews With Icons of the 1970s and 1980s” (AskMen, 2012), and “Forbes To The Limits” (Wiley, 2003). he writes about bull fighting here!
163. Zbigniew Stanzcyk is a researcher from Stanfords the Hoover Institute writes about The Long Walk, which may be true. Read here!
162. William Jacobs and James Masefield writes about Fact Or Fiction? The Long Walk And The Way Back. Read here!
161. Patrick Hutton is an English adventurer who wants to cross Papua New Guinea, read about it here!
160. Alan Arnette is a mountaineer, speaker and Alzheimer´s advocate. This time he writes about the actual cost of climbing Mount Everest. Read here!
159. Anders Stävhag is an Explorers Club member who writes about his life as a pilgrimage. Read here!
158. James M. Clash is an Explorers Club Fellow and director, writer and explorer, who has written about his first visit to the Berlin Wall here!
157. Laura Kennington is a founding member of Team Boatylicious, the only all female team of four to be entered in the first ever rowing race across the Pacific Ocean. She has no intention of returning to a grown up job anytime soon. She shares her thoughts about her upcoming adventure to row across the Pacific here!
156. Arita Baaijens just returned from an epic Expedition in the Altai and brings up the very little discussed subject of the problems which sometimes arises with expedition fixers and translators. Read here!
155. Oliver Steeds is an investigative journalist, explorer and director of Digital Explorer. This time he writes about Nazi Treasure; A Swiss Connection?
154. Leon McCarron is a Northern Irish adventurer and cameraman. He is a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society and specialises in long distance, human-powered expeditions. He shares in two parts his walk through China. Part 1 and Part 2.
153. CuChullaine O´Reilly, the President Of The Long Riders Guild, writes about Sir Ahmed Mohammed Hassanein.
152. Steve Fisher is an award winning director & producer and has aired on television in over 90 countries as well as the USA, NBC & Universal. he writes about the tragic accident of Shannon Christy.
151. Laura Kennington is a founding member of Team Boatylicious, the only all female team of four to be entered in the first ever rowing race across the Pacific Ocean. She has no intention of returning to a grown up job anytime soon. She has written about the Explore Weekend 2013.
150. Tom Allen has undertaken adventurous bicycle journeys on 4 continents and is now a full-time bicycle travel advocate & storyteller. He seeks adventures far from the beaten track, taking him as far afield as Ethiopia, Yemen, Sudan, Mongolia and the Arctic. He philosophies in his second article as a guest on the subject What Does It Mean to Finish A Journey?
149. Karl Wait is a father, a husband and a big kid at heart who still wants to build dens and bury himself in leaves. He regularly sets out on mini adventures with his daughter and also spends time with other kids installing his strong beliefs through his role as a Cub leader and a DofE leader. He debates the issue kids in the UK, read more here!
148. Barry Moss (MI’94) former Chairman of the British Chapter since 1998 and has also served two terms as a Board Director of the Explorers Club in New York. He is a veteran of Operation Drake, Operation Raleigh and the reed boat Kota Mama expeditions in South America. He is a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, a Trustee and Director of the Scientific Exploration Society and a Director of Youth Exploring Science. He writes about the UK here!
147. Greg Deyermenjian is a native Bostonian and a Fellow of The Explorers Club. Greg is also Chairman of the club’s New England Chapter. Deemed The Explorers Club’s foremost authority on the archaeology and exploration of the high jungle areas of southeast Peru, Greg has written many articles and presented to audiences of The Explorers Club. He has written this opinionated article called Is There Anything Left To Explore?
146. Kyle Henning is a mountain biking and rock climbing instructor at Montecito Sequoia Resort on the borders of Sequoia National Forest and King’s Canyon National Park in California who writes about his thoughts on adventure after his African Odyssey and what he wants to do with life, read here!
145. Tomasz Grzywaczewski is a traveler and reporter. In 2010 organized a Long Walk Plus Expedition (www.longwalk.pl) – an expedition following the footsteps of prisoners that escaped from a Soviet concentration camp to Kolkata. he has once again returned from a very interesting Expedition called Dead Road, read here!
144. Anders Klint is a well known wilderness chef, who is educating of wilderness-, mountain-, canoeing- guides etc in cooking, to include schools in Sweden and many other countries and in between keep cooking for event and travel company’s in the outdoors. Read how to pack food for you week in the wilderness!
143. Louis Bedwell is a student, nutritionist and founder of The One Expedition- www.theoneexpedition.co.uk. The One Expedition is a yearlong series of micro adventures all with the aim of raising £10,000 for Cancer Research UK. he writes about his latest Expedition here!
142. Jamie Buchananan-Dunlop is an experienced educator creating new ways for children to learn about the changing world both inside and outside the classroom. He writes about how to bring the world to your classroom. Read here!
141. Ashish Chanda is an Ex Corporate Trainer in Soft Skills, turned photographer the author freelances in the areas of food, fashion, product, lifestyle & advertisement photography. He writes about Roopkund;The Skeleton Lake. Read here!
140. Johan Forsberg has for over 10 years taught how to live and travel in the wilderness and to do so closer to nature. He shares his knowledge has by arranging courses in what is known as Bushcraft.Read his piece about summer and those little devils.
139. Anders Klint is a well known wilderness chef, who is educating of wilderness-, mountain-, canoeing- guides etc in cooking, to include schools in Sweden and many other countries and in between keep cooking for event and travel company’s in the outdoors. Read his opinionated article here!
138. Atiaf Zaid Alwazir is a researcher and blogger based in Sana’a. She is also a co-founder of the media advocacy group @SupportYemen. She has written this excellent piece on the flawed media narrative as regards to Yemen. Read here!
137. Farea Al-Muslimi is a Yemeni youth activist, writer and free-lancer. His writings have appeared in Al-Monitor, The National, Foreign Policy, Assafir and many other regional and international media outlets. This is a widely read piece on the US drones attacking his village in Yemen. Read here!
136. Lorie Karnath is an avid explorer, adventurer, author who has canvased the globe in search of answers to elusive questions. Most recently she served for three terms as the 37th president of The Explorers Club only the second woman in the club’s 108 year history to be elected. She has also had the great privilege to interview Nelson Mandela, read it here!
135. Sharkman and his wife Mantagirl are on a mission to help others live more exciting and fulfilling lives through adventure. They write about the risk of becoming to comfortable, read it here!
134. Alex Hibbert is a world-record holding polar expedition leader. He writes about the sordid issue of unsupported Expeditions here!
133. Kyle Henning is a mountain biking and rock climbing instructor at Montecito Sequoia Resort on the borders of Sequoia National Forest and King’s Canyon National Park in California who writes about his thoughts on adventure after his African Odyssey here!
132. Helen LLoyd has cycled some 36,000km in Africa, North and Central America as well as paddling a pirogue 350km down the Niger River and packrafting 250km in Nicaragua’s Moskitia region. She has at this moment set out on a new adventure, read here!
131. Haykal Bafana is a Hadhrami and a Yemeni and a citizen of Singapore. The Prophet Hud and his son Qahtan ais his ancestors, and he of the tribe of Nuwwah in Hadhramaut. Singapore, Hadhramaut & Yemen are all his homelands. His clan & tribe live in Yemen & Hadhramaut, in Saudi Arabia, Oman and Abu Dhabi, in Indonesia, Singapore and Malaysia, and even in Kenya & Uganda. He writes about kidnappings in Yemen.
130. Dave Cornthwaite is about as far out of a box as you can get. His Expedition1000 project keeps things varies: he’s now eight trips into a series of 25 non motorised journeys of 1000 miles of more. So far they’ve included skateboarding across Australia, Stand Up Paddleboarding the Mississippi and swimming 1001 miles down the Lower Missouri dragging his gear on a raft. The author of three books (including one about dating), an experienced public speaker and founder of the lifestyle brand Say Yes More, he’s always looking for a new adventure. Read his article Life in The Slow Lane here!
129. CuChullaine O’Reilly is the Founder of the Long Riders’ Guild, the world’s international association of equestrian explorers and a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society and the Explorers’ Club. Author of “Khyber Knights, he is currently completing the “Encyclopaedia of Equestrian Exploration,” the most comprehensive equestrian exploration guide ever written. He has written this time about a major threat to travel, read here!
128. Akhil Bakshi is a born tramp in love with wild places, Akhil Bakshi has been vagabonding around the world since his early years, finding telling beauty everywhere. He has led four major international motoring expeditions that have furthered the cause of peace and development. Vice President of the Indian Mountaineering Foundation, Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, Fellow of the Explorer’s Club, he is on the board of several adventure and sports organisations in India. He has founded two non-government organisations that work with rural youth and with small farmers and landless labour. he writes about his Expedition Gondwanaland, Crossing the Libyan desert here!
127. Tomasz Grzywaczewski is a traveler and reporter. In 2010 organized a Long Walk Plus Expedition (www.longwalk.pl) – an expedition following the footsteps of prisoners that escaped from a Soviet concentration camp to Kolkata. Now he is setting up a new Expedition in Siberia, read about it here!
126. Sharkman, aka Ridlon Kiphart and his wife Mantagirl are world explorers, authors, keynote speakers and filmmakers on a quest to help you live a more exciting and fulfilling life through adventure and exploration. Read his opinionated article about How the Best Explorers In The World Stay Alive here!
125. Daniel Fox is a member of the Explorers Club in New York, of the Royal Geographical Society in London and is currently planning a 6-year around-the-world sailing expedition. He has written about Time!
124. Andrea Lee is CEO of Uri Tours an American provider of tours and travel services to the DPRK. She writes about North-Korea, read here!
123. CuChullaine O’Reilly is the Founder of the Long Riders’ Guild, the world’s international association of equestrian explorers and a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society and the Explorers’ Club. Author of “Khyber Knights, he is currently completing the “Encyclopaedia of Equestrian Exploration,” the most comprehensive equestrian exploration guide ever written. He writes on the subject of What Do We Seek?
122. Julian Monroe Fisher is an explorer, an Anthropologist, a published author, an Ethnographic filmmaker, a Fellow with The Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers) in London, an International Fellow with the British Chapter of The Explorers Club in New York City and a member in good standing with the American Anthropological Association. Between 2007 and 2011 he conducted five consecutive Explorers Club flag sanctioned research expeditions to the African continent. He is the expedition leader of The RailRiders 2012-16 Great African Expedition, a five year – nine expedition research project retracing the overland routes of numerous Victorian age explorers. He writes about his choice of life here!
121. Barry Moss (MI’94) former Chairman of the British Chapter since 1998 and has also served two terms as a Board Director of the Explorers Club in New York. He is a veteran of Operation Drake, Operation Raleigh and the reed boat Kota Mama expeditions in South America. He is a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, a Trustee and Director of the Scientific Exploration Society and a Director of Youth Exploring Science. His article is about the latest dispute on Everest.
120. After 21 years of classroom teaching, Nancy Sathre-Vogel made the decision to leave her teaching career behind to travel the world on a bicycle. Together with her husband and twin sons, she cycled 27,000 miles throughout the Americas, including traveling from Alaska to Argentina. Now she lives in Idaho, pursuing her passions of writing and beadwork. Here´s her list of F´s!
119. Mark Pawlak is the media director at Element Internet and co-founder of ‘exploco’ – the global community of adventure sports experts. Blogger, editor and adventure sports enthusiast, Mark leads a groups of expert bloggers picked to represent each adventure sport. When not working he’s to be found cycling, swimming in the sea, or seeking out the next destination or adventure to document. He writes about the booming adventure tourism, read here!
118. James M. Clash is a seasoned adventure and business journalist. Jim started at Forbes in 1993 as a reporter, and in 1996 was promoted to staff writer. Read his thrilling interview with the Apollo 16 Moonwalker Charles Duke here!
117. Arita Baaijens is also a biologist, author, photographer and a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society. Twenty years ago she gave up her job as an environmentalist, bought camels and made a solo crossing across the Western Desert of Egypt. Today she has made over 25 expeditions (3-6 months at a time) with her own caravan of camels all over Egypt and the Sudan. She writes about her new challenge of life here!
116. Joel Henderson is an author, 28 year old Arctic explorer, and a pioneer in dog sledding in the sense that he has perfected a method of travel which allows him to travel solo for up to 5 months at a time without resupply or even so much as seeing another human being. He writes here on extreme cold.
115. Basha O´Reilly is one of the Founders of the Long Riders’ Guild, the world’s international association of equestrian explorers and the Trustee of the Tschiffely Literary Estate, the legendary Swiss Long Rider whose equestrian journey has inspired seven generations of Long Riders. Read this rather unique article about Ponies at the Poles here!
114. Dr. Alicia Colson (McGill) has been an archaeologist since 1990 and has undertaken archaeological fieldwork in Canada, the UK, the US and most recently Antigua. She is currently involved in the creation of a consortium drawn from the world of New Media and Academe to establish a new digital academic publishing company, working from a ‘think tank’ located in a purpose-built research park in NW Ontario. She has recently become an International Fellow of the Canadian Branch of the Explorers Club. Read her thoughts on internal exploration here!
113. Johan Forsberg has studied Survival and Bushcraft with several instructors and has studied and worked for the renowned WEISS School (Wilderness Experience Survival School) before starting his own school Nordic Bushcraft. He has written an excellent article on winter survival here!
112. Alan Arnette is a mountaineer, speaker and Alzheimer´s advocate. This time he writes about the controversial aspect of Bodies On Everest. Read here!
111. Lorie Karnath is an avid explorer, adventurer, author who has canvased the globe in search of answers to elusive questions. Most recently she served for three terms as the 37th president of The Explorers Club only the second woman in the club’s 108 year history to be elected. She has written an article on the subject What Are Heroes Made Of? Read here!
110. Erden Eruc just recently finished his around the world be his own power, more than 5 years, and he writes about Dolphin meat, Whale Meat, Who Cares?
109. Alan Arnette is a mountaineer, speaker and Alzheimer´s advocate. Read his important article on Everest Deserves Respect here!
108. Helen Lloyd has cycled some 36,000km in Africa, North and Central America as well as paddling a pirogue 350km down the Niger River and packrafting 250km in Nicaragua’s Moskitia region, She writes about the life on road here!
107. David Udbjørg is an adventurer, Architect, Artist and Author who has started the The Adventurers Society. Read more about the society here!
106. Jut Wynne is a PHD-student, explorer, Fellow of The Royal Geographical Society and The Explorers Club. He has had one cave dwelling beetle named in his honor, Eleodes (Caverneleodes) wynnei. Read this inspiring interview with him here!
105. Alan Arnette is a mountaineer, speaker and Alzheimer´s advocate. Read his important article on Everest here!
104.James M. Clash is a seasoned adventure and business journalist. Jim started at Forbes in 1993 as a reporter, and in 1996 was promoted to staff writer. Read his thrilling article about Felix Baumgartner here!
103. Carl Gutjahr is a broad oriented Project manager in the area of communications and external affairs. He has an adventurous past in many mountain ranges over the world and has a particular interest in the Arctic region. Read his North Pole story here!
102. James M. Clash is a seasoned adventure and business journalist. Jim started at Forbes in 1993 as a reporter, and in 1996 was promoted to staff writer. In 1998 he wrote a pivotal story on hedge funds, warning investors of risks and expenses. When Long Term Capital Management collapsed six months later, Forbes ran a national advertising campaign “Business Reporting as Tough as Business Itself” about his story, and he was promoted to associate editor. His book “Forbes To the Limits” (Wiley, 2003) has received critical acclaim. Read his article about A Leap of Faith!
101. Sharkman, aka Ridlon Kiphart and his wife Mantagirl are world explorers, authors, keynote speakers and filmmakers on a quest to help you live a more exciting and fulfilling life through adventure and exploration. Read his opinionated article about daring to take risks here!
100. Oliver Steeds is Director of Digital Explorer and has recently launched THE OCEAN ACADEMY: Bringing the Oceans to the Classroom. Read his important article about thinking blue here!
99. Moki Kokoris holds the position of Main Representative for the World Federation of Ukrainian Women’s Organizations NGO in consultative status with the UN Department of Public Information and she is the founder of “90-north” — a 2007-2009 International Polar Year sanctioned multidisciplinary outreach educational program offered to students and teachers studying issues and topics relating to Arctic and sub-Arctic regions. Read here!
98. Brian Peric is a teacher, father and Adventure Explorer. He lives with his wife and two children in Gangneung, South Korea. He writes about the issues involved being adventurer and family man. Read here!
97. Steve Kemper has been a freelance journalist for over 30 years and written for many, for example National Geographic Magazine. He writes here about Islamic fundamentalism in West Africa . Read here!
96. Lorena Lopez is an Argentinian travel journalist specializing in travel, conservation and nature. She has written an article about the problems being a wife and mother and a travelling journalist. Read her article here!
95. Christy Henchie writes about what motivates her and Billy to ride through Africa on horses. Read her great story here!
94. Daniel Fox is a member of the Explorers Club in New York, of the Royal Geographical Society in London and is currently planning a 6-year around-the-world sailing expedition. He has written about dreamers, like most exlorers are, read here!
93. Greg Gross Read his article about the dangers facing the Maasai here!
92. Tim Moss explorer, writer, traveler wrote this article How To Get To The North Pole!
91. Captain Joel S. Fogel, explorer, writer and much more has an important opinion; Man´s Instinct to Explore and Its consequences.
90. Steve Kemper has been a freelance journalist for more than 30 years. His new book, A Labyrinth of Kingdoms: 10,000 Miles Through Islamic Africa, was published by W. W. Norton in June 2012. Read his article about Timbuktu!
89. Captain Joel S. Fogel, explorer, writer and much more writes the story how he met his wife, an article called the Unwilling Bride.
88. Christian Bodegren writes about his epic kayak Expedition down through the South American continent. Read here!
87. CuChullaine O´Reilly, FRGS and the president of the Long Riders Guild asks; Will Explorers be re-defined as terrorists? Read more here!
86. Judith Spiegel, Dutch journalist based in Sanaa in Yemen writes about this extra ordinary country here!
85. Captain Joel S. Fogel writes about the legendary Omo River Expedition in Ethiopia 1973. Read here!
84. Luis Fernando Medina Salazar writes about the Northern Rainbow festival in Yakutia. Read here!
83. Benjamin Wiacek is a journalist with over four years of experience living and working in the Middle East and North Africa with publications in numerous prestigious newspapers including Liberation. Read his article about Yemen here!
82. Steve Ballantine, FRGS writes about his 10 years of exploring Papua New Guinea. Read here!
81. Luis Fernando Medina Salazar shares his travel blog from the Siberian Far East and Nyurba. Read here!
80. Gregg Treinish writes about a new organisation called Adventurers and Scientists for Conservation. Read more about it here!
78. Parker Liautaud is a remarkable young explorer with fresh views and insights on the world of exploration. Read his thoughts and opinions about how to get sponsors here!
77. Daniel Fox is a member of the Explorers Club in New York, of the Royal Geographical Society in London and is currently planning a 6-year around-the-world sailing expedition. He has written an interesting article about exploration, read here!
76. Moki Kokoris holds the position of Main Representative for the World Federation of Ukrainian Women’s Organizations NGO in consultative status with the UN Department of Public Information and she is the founder of “90-north” . She has written a great article on the Evenk here!
75. Roger Chao is an accomplished mountaineer, white water kayaker, caver, rock climber,polar expeditioner, backcountry skier, bike tourer, and hiker. He writes about cultural understanding here!
74. Karl Wait, father and ultra marathon runner shares his thoughts about combining the two. Read here!
73. Kyle Henning who a year after his great adventure writes about life after it. Read his story here!
72. Valentina Cappio, traveler and blogger with a great site inspiring families to bring their kids on adventure! She did an interview with me, read here!
71. Alan Arnette, mountaineer, speaker and Alzheimer´s advocate writes about, What is the cost to climb Mounte Everest? Read his great report here!
70. David Goldberg is an information rights advocate, consultant and academic, based in Glasgow, Scotland and writes about the extra ordinary Peter Forsskal, read here!
69. Tanya Holm is a Swedish freelance journalist based in Sanaa. Read her great article about Yemen here!
68. Tarim C. Kennedy, a young American-Italian that has grown up in Yemen. Living in such a diverse country, at a young age he developed a passion for the vast array of animals found in it. Read his article here!
67. Glenn “Marty” Stein, a polar- and maritime historian who has written 3 articles on Receiving Americas Early Antarctic Medals, read here!
66. Parker Litaud, 17 year old explorer on being young in the game, read here!
65. Christian Bodegren, aspiring explorer from Sweden, writes about his thoughts before heading by kayak crossing South-America! Read his story here!
64. CuChullaine O´Reilly is an equestrian explorer, Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society and the Explorers’ Club, one of the Founders of The Long Riders’ Guild, Director of the LRG-AF, publisher of the LRG Press and author of Khyber Knights. here´s another of his ground breaking stories, this time about Meat Eating Horses On Antarctica!
63. Justin Marozzi writes an excellent article about post-Gaddafi Future. He is a travel writer, historian, journalist and political risk and security consultant.
63. Siris Hartkorn is a young Danish security consultant and political analyst, right now in a troubled Yemen, writing about the subject waiting for war.
62. George Stiller writes on Interactive Google Maps of Historic Events!
61. Ben Thackwary works as an expedition leader and manager and professional adventurer for Adventure Hub and just climbed the highest mountain on earth, read about why he did it!
60. Jim McNeill has clocked up 27 years of polar travelling and 33 years of expeditioning; thousands of miles mostly on nothing but skis and dragging his world behind him. Few, have that breadth and depth of experience in extreme environments. His guiding, safety and survival expertise is employed by BBC TV and Hollywood film crews on location all over the world – hot as well as cold. Read his article about polar bears!
59. Lorraine Chittok decided, after twelve years living and travelling throughout Africa and the Middle East, to take her career and two Kenyan ex-street dogs on the road. Read her story Border madness; Travelling with dogs.
58. Eamonn Gearon is an Arabist, analyst and author who has lived and worked in the Greater Middle East – from Kabul to Casablanca – for the past twenty years.writes about the Great Desert of Sahara. Read here!
57. Moki Kokoris holds the position of Main Representative for the World Federation of Ukrainian Women’s Organizations NGO in consultative status with the UN Department of Public Information and she is the founder of “90-north” — a 2007-2009 International Polar Year sanctioned multidisciplinary outreach educational program offered to students and teachers studying issues and topics relating to Arctic and sub-Arctic regions. She has written a great article about Samís and coffee. Read here!
56. Johan Forsberg has studied Survival and Bushcraft with several instructors and has studied and worked for the renowned WEISS School (Wilderness Experience Survival School) before starting his own school Nordic Bushcraft.He has written an excellent article on the subjecthere!
55. Justin Marozzi is a travel writer, historian, journalist and political risk and security consultant.Read his great Libyan report here!
54. Nancy Sathre-Vogel writes about homecoming after 3 years on a bicycle together with her family! Read here!
53. Alex Hibbert, explorer, writer writes about setting new Expedition Standard Guidelines. Read here!
52. Tshering Tashi is MD of jojos adventure Bhutan and writes about the legendary yak. Read here!
51. Jeanie Davison TV producer, writer, motorcyclist, serial traveller asks in this article if the adventure world is only for men?
50. Louis Meunier Long Rider and documentary film maker writes about the Kyrgyz of Pamir in Afghanistan. Read here!
49. Christy Henchi writes from her amazing African travel by horse. Read her story here!
48. Tom Allen, cyclist and adventurer, on how to get sponsors. Best piece on the subject I have read! Read here!
47. Elizabeth Hill, an English teacher preparing to ride around Britain by horse. Read about her preparations here!
46. Oliver Steeds, documentary maker, explorer, journalist writes about searching for He Wen. Read here!
45. Karolina Jeppson has a passion for writing in different genres, for cultural and religious issues, which pushed her into journalism, as well as currently Islamic studies. Read her story about bringing a stroller to Senegal.
44. Margaret Bowling is an expedition manager specializing in polar and ocean expeditions. She works with teams on every aspect of their expeditions and adventures, from crew selection through to sponsorship and PR. Read her article about being the first Australian woman to cross an ocean.
43. Rashad Saeed, Arabic teacher and involved in the Yemeni political landscape. Read his story about Dignity Friday, where more than 52 were killed and 600 injured by the bullets of veiled snipers who were distributed on the roofs of many houses in Al- Dairi Street.
42. Matt George is a bidding Polar explorer, read his enjoyable account of the problems involved getting to the North Pole.
41. Kyle Henning just turned his first Expedition into a success. Read his story here!
40. Marija Kozin, Slovenian cyclist. Read her great story here!
39. Rashad Saeed, Arabic teacher and involved in the Yemeni political landscape. Read his story about the political turmoil here!
38. Kyle Anthony Foster writes again on Yemen. Kyle is an international development and political consultant. Read his analysis here!
37. Arita Baaijens, desert explorer and political analyst, gives an I witness report from Tahrir Square, after the “revolution”. Readhere!
36. Christian Bodegren tried to cross the Sahara last year, but ended up in a Libyan court instead. Read his Libyan report!
35. Tomasz Grzywaczewski – inhabitant of Lodz, law student out of reason, journalist and traveler out of passion. He just did the Long Walk. Read his great report here!
34. Kate Harrisis a young Canadian writer, adventurer, and wilderness pilgrim. Kate was named a 2010 “Woman of Discovery” by Wings World Quest for her efforts to advocate for wilderness conservation across borders. Read her report here!
33. Kyle Henning is Peace Corps volunteer and adventurer stationed in Bahir Dar in Ethiopia, talks about his next Christmas and his job as a Peace Corps volunteer. Read here!
32. SimonMulholland is 55 and has done most things, few of them well. As a cook, he is proud to have roasted Peacock on a portable inglenook fireplace of his own design, for the Hell’s Angels. He has spent ten years developing a safe, modern, pony drawn vehicle system, most recently incorporating a wheelchair enabled version. He doesn’t train ponies, he works with them and lets them train him. He takes pony drawn vehicles to motorcycle rallies, and wears pink crocs and wonders why people think he is odd. Read his great article here!
31.Bolot Bochkarev, a 35-year old blogger, who was born and lives in Yakutsk, the administrative centre of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). Used to work as a journalist for many newspapers published. The last job was the observer of Yakutia Daily Newspaper. Graduated from Yakutsk State University, where he studied foreign languages. Participated in graduate study at University of Missouri in St Louis, USA. Had internship at the Voice of America Radio in Washington DC. Read his extra ordinary article here!
30. Michael Robinson is an associate professor of history at Hillyer College, University of Hartford. Read his article on the problems between academics and explorers here!
29. Young student Karl Wallulis writes about Islam in the USA. Read here!
28. CuChullaine O´Reilly on Ethical Exploration. His second blog report as a guest writer. Read his first here. And the new on here! CuChullaine O’Reilly is the Founder of the Long Riders’ Guild, the world’s international association of equestrian explorers and a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society and the Explorers’ Club. He is currently completing the “Horse Travel Handbook,” the most comprehensive equestrian exploration guide ever written. Read it here!
27.Dr. Alicia Colson (McGill) has been an archaeologist since 1990 and has undertaken archaeological fieldwork in Canada, the UK, the US and most recently Antigua. She is currently involved in the creation of a consortium drawn from the world of New Media and Academe to establish a new digital academic publishing company, working from a ‘think tank’ located in a purpose-built research park in NW Ontario. She has recently become an International Fellow of the Canadian Branch of the Explorers Club. She has written this excellent article about life….read here!
26. Arita Baaijens is also a biologist, author, photographer and a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society. Twenty years ago she gave up her job as an environmentalist, bought camels and made a solo crossing across the Western Desert of Egypt. Today she has made over 25 expeditions (3-6 months at a time) with her own caravan of camels all over Egypt and the Sudan. Read here!
25. Tim Moss. Tim has organised logistics for large-scale expeditions and personal ones, like Around the World in 80 Ways. He lives in Oman. Read his article here!
24. Yuri Boyanin is a historian, a person who alarmingly realizes seeing the world more and more through the prism of history. Also a traveler and explorer of all things geographical, business, musical, historical, political and above all, that relate to the human mind. At the age of 22. he is a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society. Read here!
23. Duncan J.D Smith worked for many years in the publishing industry selling other travel writers’ books, Duncan J. D. Smith decided in 2003 to start writing and illustrating his own. As an ‘Urban Explorer’, travel writer, historian and photographer he has embarked on a lifetime’s adventure, travelling off the beaten track in search of the world’s unusual people and places, from the back streets of Vienna and the bunkers of Berlin to the deserts of Jordan and the highlands of Ethiopia. Read here!
22. Per Enerud. He was the correspondent for SVT in Moscow from 1996 until 2007. He works as a free lance journalist today. He writes a great story about the Russian wildfires. Read here!
21. Tishani Doshi was born and lives in Madras, India. Being the product of two cultures (Gujarati and Welsh), and the middle of three children, and also being curious and sensitive by nature, it was almost always certain that she would become a writer. As a teenager she discovered her mother’s love letters to her father and resolved to one day write her own version of their story. She is a writer, poet, dancer and wanderer. Read her great story from Antarctica here!
19. Stellan Johansson, Swedish cyclist and biologist gives a unique insight to Kazakhstan. Read here!
18. David Renwick Grant.At the end of 1997, David Grant – and his family: ex-wife Kate, children Torcuil (1980), Eilidh (1981) and Fionn (1984) – returned from travelling around the world with a horse and caravan, an unique journey which took them seven years; across fifteen countries on three continents and, incidentally, into the Guinness Book of World Records. His story of the family’s epic global journey was published by Simon & Schuster asThe Seven Year Hitch, (1999) and in paperback in 2000. Read here!
16. Carin Kiphart and her husband Ridlon have logged over 12,000 dives as professional Scuba instructors, shark feeders and photographers, climbed Himalayan mountains, and explored the planet from Antarctica to Oceania and back again. The Kipharts served as on board Directors for Ocean Quest International, Dive Directors for WindStar Cruises, Tour Directors for Tauck World Discovery, and are co-founders of Global Diving Adventures and Live Adventurously. Read here!
15. Andrés Mourenza (A Coruna, Spain, 1984) is a free-lance journalist based in Istanbul since 2005. He collaborates mainly with the Spanish ’EFE’ news agency and ‘El Periodico de Catalunya’ newspaper, but has worked also for the Spanish speaking version of BBC Radio and Deutsche Welle TV, and other radios from Spain and Latin America. He has travelled the neighbouring region to inform about the situation in northern-Irak, the Kurdish conflict in south-eastern Turkey, the post-war period in Georgia, the tense relations between Turkey and Armenia, the longstanding division of Cyprus or the riots in Greece. Read his articlehere!
14.Baris Koca was born in 1975, graduated from electronics engineering dept. in 1998. Between 2004-2008, while he was still working as an engineer, his travelling photo articles published in several magazines and his photographs awarded by several national and international contests. He was chosen as a member of Management Board of a photography association in Ankara, in 2007-2008. Read his article here!
13. Alastair Humphreys is my 13th Guest Writer and Alastair spent 4 years cycling 46,000 miles round the world, a journey described as “the first great adventure of the new millennium”. He is currently training for SOUTH, the first unsupported return journey to the South Pole. Read here!
12. Barry Moss (MI’94) – has been Chairman of the British Chapter since 1998 and has also served two terms as a Board Director of the Explorers Club in New York. He is a veteran of Operation Drake, Operation Raleigh and the reed boat Kota Mama expeditions in South America. He is a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, a Trustee and Director of the Scientific Exploration Society and a Director of Youth Exploring Science. Read here!
11.Helen Lloyd studied aeronautical engineering for 4 years at university and somehow managed to hold down a proper office job in engineering for another 4 years after that. She’s always been a sports fanatic; primarily a hockey player (as much for the socialising as for the game, she claims) with some rowing, mountain-biking, adventure-racing and some snow-boarding thrown in for fun. Read her report here!
10. Arita Baaijens. She is also a biologist, author, photographer and a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society. Twenty years ago she gave up her job as an environmentalist, bought camels and made a solo crossing across the Western Desert of Egypt. Today she has made over 25 expeditions (3-6 months at a time) with her own caravan of camels all over Egypt and the Sudan. Read here!
9. Paula Constant is from Australia and in 2004, with no previous expedition experience, Australian Paula Constant began walking from Trafalgar Square with a backpack. Since then, she has walked over 12000 km through eight countries, including nearly 8000km through the Sahara with her own camel train. Married when she left Trafalgar Square, Paula’s husband left the expedition a year later, when the couple were just 1000km into their desert trek. Paula carried on with two Arabic, nomadic guides, and went on to gain sponsorship and go over halfway across the Sahara in a bid to make a West to East crossing of the desert when she was stopped by civil war in Niger in 2007. No female adventurer has walked so far through the Sahara alone but for local guides. Read her articlehere!
8. Our next guest writer, Christian Jansson´s tale from the earth quake in Chile is brilliant and in such a hurry that I didn´t get a photo of him. He works for Ericsson in Santiago de Chile. Read his report here!
7.RobertTwigger is a writer and explorer who in 2009-2010 was the first person to walk across the great Sand Sea of the Eastern Sahara. He has a website roberttwigger.com and his latest book is Dr Ragab’s Universal Language. Read his report here!
6. Johan Ivarsson was my partner on the Kolyma Expedition 2004-05. Since then I receive 2-3 emails or questions every week what he is doing nowadays. Find out here!
5.CuChullaine O’Reilly is an equestrian explorer, Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society and the Explorers’ Club, one of the Founders of The Long Riders’ Guild, Director of the LRG-AF, publisher of the LRG Press and author of Khyber Knights. Read his article here!
4. Nick Gallop is a young man with a mission which we all maybe should aim for. He led an uneventful life in Southern England until he discovered the world of adventurous travel and backpacking. Since then Nick has been trained by some of UK and Europe´s best known bushcraft,wilderness skills and survival instructors. He is now passionate about passing on this skills through writing and through teaching. Read his article here!
3. Tricia Nellesen is my third guest writer, who I met at Sabris school in Sanaa, Yemen, half a year ago and she had an insight to a world which i never will get access to, the one of Yemeni women! Tricia is a reputed cultural anthropologist specializing in Yemen and the Middle East. And after working 11 years as a journalist in the U.S., she returned to graduate school for her PhD. She became interested in studying Yemen after traveling there for language training and have since her first visit, studied the Middle East for four years and Yemen for two. And whilst in Yemen, she learned of the water shortage and wanted to help the people in some way—so she stayed in order to learn more. She is currently in the U.S. writing and compiling her research. Read her article here!
1. Kyle Anthony Foster from Nebraska, who is currently living in Yemen, and have been doing so for the last ten years or more. He is one of the biggest personalities and characters I have come across, a true story teller, survivor, human being and adventurer of the old sorts. Everything happens to this guy! Not one boring second with him. He is married to a nice Yemeni from Mukalla and they have a lovely daughter together. He knows the ins and outs of Yemen. An important voice to listen to, these days of painting Yemen as one of the most dangerous countries in the world! Read here!
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