Loyalty, professionalism, love of life, credibility, humanity, a sence of pioneering and that conclusive feeling that nothing is impossible. My partners stand for all these values.
I have some requirements that are very important when I am looking for a partner:
- It has to be a company that have the same vision about life the way as I do.
- They have to be brave. Brave enough to break the ordinary patterns.
- They should be pleasant, exciting and outgoing with basic human values.
- They have to be good, friendly people.
- They also have to be a company that is in line with what I do.
I offer them the same values return. But I am very picky. It has to be the best in their genre.
Looking for sponsors takes a lot of time and it isn´t always easy. I have written and published -as regards to sponsorship- at length on my homepage, see here, But it isn´t an easy job finding the right ones. I do get quite a few offers, but almost without exception, these individuals and/or companies, want you to pay for it at the end. This happened the other week when Fuizione dried frozen food from Britain contact me. At first I was very happy that they contacted me and felt honored, but once I had tried the food they offered, they offered me to buy what I needed 20% discount…I wish they would have said that in the first introductory email, than i would have put all the effort into trying and evaluating their goods. That felt like a true deception. But I guess everybody tries to survive and I can understand that to a certain degree, but better be honest immediately. It just ends messy.
This is Easter Sunday and Eva and Dana are sleeping, my wife and me are having a rest in front of our computers, doing some work. That is another thing, if you are married and have children, family always has to go first, even if hours just doesn´t last to get things done, like looking for sponsors. But what are we without a family? So we been pretty much together all day and night, eating a lot of goodies and the best is still to come. The Easter Sunday dinner Swedish version with lots of pickled herring and fresh potatoes. A lot of cooking to do, so I have to go! We also had a drawing competition, my wife and I, and with Eva as a judge…I won this time….because my drawing wasn´t like Edward Munch´s The Scream…Eva isn´t there yet….
i want some one who can help me with my baby cos am still studding and i dont have enough money to help him pliz if there is some one who can help me i will be happy
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