Hannah Pierce-Carlson

Hannahs dress and a white tie

“I forgot my dress at home!”
Hannah was calling from the airport in Montreal. It was a voice mixed with laughter, angst and desperation. I should have known already at this moment, that there were most likely some stressful challenges ahead.
At the same moment I got a reminder on my laptop, saying:
“Try on the white tie”.
I hadn´t had it on since 2010, when I had taken part in Travellers Club Sweden´s 100 year Anniversary. Surely, I thought, surely it will fit 15 years later. I will do it when Hannah arrives. In the meantime, Hannah´s mother had ran off to Fedex and sent the dress. It would arrive midday the same day as we had a dinner at the House of Nobility in Stockholm with the Travellers Club and its Honorary Leader The King of Sweden, Carl Gustaf, and Queen Silvia. And former prime ministers and folks like that. That would give us 4-5 hours to sort thing at at the hotel.
Obviously I forgot to try the white tie. So we sat off on the 7 hour journey to Stockholm early and whilst in the car we got an update from Fedex saying that the dress would arrive midday the 14th. A day later, after the dinner. Hannah took the news amazingly well with her normal solution to everything:
“Universe will provide.”
During the ride my brain was overworked with how to get a dress. And how much would it cost! Hannah had already paid 160 US for the Fedex packet with the forgotten dress. I did find a place in Stockholm where they rented white ties and dresses. this could be a solution, but it would give us very little time. And the idea from the beginning was for us to enjoy this moment to its fullest! No stress, just a relaxed wonderful time….
A couple of hours of worries later in the car, we got a message that the dress had arrived to the hotel. Hannah took a deep breath and said:
“I knew it! Universe provides!”
So we started to relax and enjoy life again. At least until we got into the hotel. I went out for a walk to give Hannah ample time to fix her nails and her hair. About an hour into the walk I had a message from Hannah saying:
“Can you call this hairdresser and ask if they can do my hair and how much it is?”
It was 3 o´clock and the idea was that we would arrive to the House of Nobility at six for drinks before the traditional lecture. This time with a Swedish austronaut. Marcus Wendt. I called the hairdresser, she couldn´t hear me and then hung up. I called and called, but no answer. In the meantime, Hannah texted me and said, she had sorted the hair. I arrived at the hotel with two hours to go, finding Hannah swearing and freaking out at her nails not sticking, with glue stuck a bit everywhere. Time for me to put on the white tie.
I had bought a new white T-shirt and it took a second whilst eating a plum to give it a good stain in front. Shit happens. I took out the medals, the white tie, and started to put it on. A bit tight around the stomach, but I would just have to hold my breath throughout the evening. And then it was time to put on the white tie. Suddenly I realized I had no shirt neck to put it around. I had forgotten the shirt!
The level of shock, angst and stress had reached its maximum. I just ran out of the room, full speed down the stairs and ordered an Uber. 30 minutes later I was at a place renting and selling white ties. During the ride I had texted my great friend Anders Wennersten if I could borrow his whte tie shirt, he said yes but wondered if it would fit since he is tall and thin. And maybe better I bought a chaep variety at Dressman. 90 USD. Too late. I first thought of renting one, since I had one already in Malmö, but when I saw that shirt it looked like it had been run over by a heard of Texan cattle. So I bought a new one for 160 USD.
I arrived back to the hotel 17.40, we rushed….well Hannah had some wonderfully high heels on, and rushing was out of the question…but we got in the Uber with Mohammed who thought I was Finnish and wanted to know the name of the Finnish formula 1 driver. My local dialect, dalmål, is often mistaken for Finnish. I told him Kimi Rekönnen, he was happy, the driver with that and kept quiet.
10 past six, we arrived outside the spectacular House of Nobility. It was stacked with prominent people, where I was one of the younger. The King and Queen arrived and nodded whilst passing us, having our 12th drink to calm down.
It was a spectacular eventing. Even though we realized that I had forgotten the vest who came with the white tie. On the bed in the hotel room. My medals were turned inside and out. It was really a fairy time with the greatest of people. The Travellers Club is full of the most interesting folks on earth. Never ever a boring conversation.
It finsihed around midnight when we all stood up. Time for the King and Queen to return to their castle. Only Hannah didn´t stand up. Because she was standing on her dress and had problems getting up and getting the heels on. Her feet ached. Her table neighbours stressed out a bit and tried to get her to stand up. And finally she did.
Just to allow the King and Queen to pass her and head home. Hannahs look when the royal couple passed her and nodded to her, kind of saying thanks to her for allowing them to pass, was very, very memorable!
A truly great evening.
The next day after 4 hours of sleep I woke up up feeling stomach ulcer pains for the first time since 2006.
Life is good!

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