Explorer Mikael Strandberg

Report 6: Greenland Icecap Crossing-The Nansen Route

Hi my name is Eva, Mikaels daughter. My dad is in Greenland for a month and a half to ski across the icecap. When he is gone both me and Hannah will be writing his posts for him so you know how he is progressing. He will be calling by satellite every 3 days and I will write what he says from his perspective.

“In my sleeping bag after a hard day from me. Since I last wrote we have had some challenging weather. Two days of really wet snow, sticking like glue to the skis and sleds. So we haven’t done two full days there, but yesterday we also stopped due to the fact we passed a milestone of the trip, the old American postwar radar station, DYE3. Anders and the Danish Special Op abseiled down into the station. It was 5-6 stories high and it had a feeling that it had been abandoned in haste. It did help our navigation since this golfball-looking structure stuck out in an otherwise complete whiteout.

Tiresome these damn whiteouts. You see nothing, just hauling through a bottle of milk. Cold arrived last night, -8 C, which gave us better skiing so we managed 22km today.
But we need to raise our mileage. We got up at 5:30 am and added on 50 minutes of hauling time per day. For me, it was the hardest day of the trip and I felt my age at 62. The others are youngsters and they have so much more strength!

But I fight on and the team is great. 18 days done and I wish for weather with great
views and no whiteouts. I have had a blackout as regards using a compass, but the team is very patient!

We should reach another milestone tomorrow, the summit that is the divider between Eastern and Western Greenland; and its weather patterns, too. It is milder and more predictable on the Western side. And this upcoming milestone will also be the end of climbing and we hope we can speed up (read, me) and be off the ice in 12-13 days. But that means skiing longer days and distances. We will see.

The legendary ultrarunner, Rune Larsson, wrote to me before leaving, “Embrace the battle/struggle.”

Now I am! – Mikael Strandberg

Photo by Hannah Pierce-Carlson, Mikael in the tent from Swedish Arctic Training Outing, January 2024
Screenshot of August 30, 2024 Greenland Expedition location ‎

This is a Kensington Tours Expedition

Here´s a link to the map, where you can follow dad and Anders. https://share.garmin.com/EXPLORERGLOBAL

Thanks to

@kensingtontours @asnes1922 @taiga.se @boldrsupplyco @jemtlander @hilleberg_the_tentmaker @helsport @alfasko @brynjeofnorway @nordiclife @polder_sport @stanley_brand @ledlenserglobal @soto.outdoors

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