Explorer Mikael Strandberg

Report 4: Greenland Icecap Crossing- The Nansen Route

Hi my name is Eva, Mikaels daughter. My dad will be going to Greenland for a month and a half to ski across the icecap. When he is gone both me and Hannah will be writing his posts for him so you know how he is progressing. He will be calling by satellite every 3 days and I will write what he says from his perspective.

This is very different from the 2000km Siberian trek Johan Ivarsson and I did in 2004. Our main goal then was meeting people; and even though we [survived] in -40 degrees and below for most of the winter, [we ran into people] at least every ten days. We took
life as it came, and we eventually made it.

[In Siberia], there were hardly ever any strong winds, [as there are here on the Greenland Icecap] due to the Siberian topography and the cold. Most of the time we were in the Taiga; and only the last month [did we cross] the tundra. But people were always around!

Crossing the icecap is completely different! It is 100% military discipline on every item, and it is certainly needed, because if something goes badly wrong out here, that is it. So safety, hard routines, and [following] a strict agenda, [is our regime]. I have to say I like it!
And it works well for this kind of adventure where the idea is to cross from one place to another, sea to sea.

For those of you who know me well, you know I have always been a little bit disorganized, but always seem to get there in the end somehow. So this new regime, though it has
been tough on me, and with age things take longer, but it is a great and patient group. And I am learning loads! It is satisfying! I am very happy so far!

We four will stick together for safety and less hard work. We have done 20km today on softish snow and with a strong sidewind from the north. But we are moving along the schedule. Last five days we will be hiking through the Aust manna Valley to reach the sea. For me, it is one haul, and one day, at a time. I feel very privileged to experience all of this!

Received and edited for clarity by Hannah Pierce-Carlson

This is a Kensington Tours Expedition

Here´s a link to the map, where you can follow dad and Anders. https://share.garmin.com/EXPLORERGLOBAL

Thanks to

@kensingtontours @asnes1922 @taiga.se @boldrsupplyco @jemtlander @hilleberg_the_tentmaker @helsport @alfasko @brynjeofnorway @nordiclife @polder_sport @stanley_brand @ledlenserglobal @soto.outdoors

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