Day 2 Greenland

Day 2:

Hi my name is Eva, Mikaels daughter. My dad will be going to Greenland for a month and a half to ski across the icecap. When he is gone both me and Hannah will be writing his posts for him so you know how he is progressing. He will be calling by satellite every 3 days and I will write what he says from his perspective. Today he called Hannah, so this will e from her perspective.

First call from the Greenland Ice Sheet

Mikael calls on the sat phone as I drive home from work trying to get my kids to both gymnastics and karate class. It’s rural Vermont and there’s not a great signal. I have two bars, but he is standing on the Greenland ice sheet giving me an expensive phone call! Outrageous! He says, “just know that I love you.”

This is the first thing he says to me every time he calls, and it’s so reassuring over the distance.

It’s Day 2 of the expedition. He says he’s climbing up and they are making their way through a bunch of interesting crevices. The views are superb. It’s a lot of hard work, harder than he ever expected, he says. He’s hauling 70kg and they’re averaging 10km a day. Right now they’re climbing uphill and weather is fair. And he says, “so far, so good.” The views are absolutely incredible, he keeps saying, even with overcast skies. “It’s so good to hear your voice, Love.” And we end the call there.


This is a Kensington Tours Expedition

Here´s a link to the map, where you can follow dad and Anders.

Thanks to

@kensingtontours @asnes1922 @boldrsupplyco @jemtlander @hilleberg_the_tentmaker @helsport @alfasko @brynjeofnorway @nordiclife @polder_sport @stanley_brand @ledlenserglobal @soto.outdoors

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