Explorer Mikael Strandberg

10 days before departing for Greenland

10 days before departing for the icecap of Greenland, the girls and I spend two days hiking in a mountain area called Hemfjället.

One part of the crossing from sea to sea will be a hike for 3-4 days through the Austmanna Valley to a fiord end and pick up by a boat from Nuuk. So I loaded up with 25 kg:s, used the girls to set the pace and we had a lovely time together. As always. precious moments.

Here´s my complicated summary.

Status is good, I have been eating and sleeping well. I have added meat to my diet and added on 3-4 kgs of over weight, which will for sure disappear quite fast. But compare dto the last time, in 2022, when I was 12 kg:s overweight, or 18 on the Siberian journey 2004, this feels way better.

Filmed by Dana Strandberg on a DJI II which will be the main camera on the icacp. Edited by Eva Strandberg.

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