Stray Kids and K-Pop on Long Drives
171 songs by the Korean K-pop band, Stray Kids. That is what Dana had added to our long-drive-in-the-car playlist. That meant 10 hours of every second song being in Korean, Japanese or Korean English. Most of the others, as Spotify´s algortithm works, was Lana Del Rey, Eva´s favorite. On and off my chosen songs came up. As a blessing for me. 10 hours of K-pop, that is a challenge!
That said, these drives we do together is the best time with the girls. We have so much fun. And we arrived at the house in Lima yesterday in a drizzle. I got the fire going immediately, felt the smell from the smoke in the stove fireplace, started vacuum cleaning and swabbing the house to make the girls feel a 100%, whilst they did what they have done the last month, chillaxing in bed.
It is next morning now, the fireplace heat is just…a blessing. I sat outside the house for an hour just listening to the busy stream next door, the chirrping birds and I felt genuninly priviliged.
Here´s my 3 top songs right now which I will bring to Greenland: (i didn´t hear one of them on the trip….)
1. 5 finger Death Punch: Jekyll and Hyde…
2. La Grange ZZ Top…
3. WOnderwall Oasis…