Explorer Mikael Strandberg

The second night out on Långfjället, Christmas Eve.

The second night in the tent was easier. Routines were working again. The discomfort was gone.
See this that I recorded.

I spent a couple of extra hours in the tent in the morning. Just enjoying life. I realized this was the first time in many years that I had been by myself. Most of the time, I have had the girls with me. Who I missed a lot. They were with their mother. Actually I couldn´t even remember when I last was by myself. At least for 14 years I have had company! And that morning, I realized I nowadays prefer company. So much more fun!
At this stage I was also wondering about the phone call I had from my brother the night before. The temperature was -29 C in Lima and we both worried for the house. I had spent a week there and had only managed 14 degrees C inside at its best. I had three layers of clothes on. Inside. If the piping would freeze that would be a catastrophy. So I would spend the day figuring out what to do, but head towards back home.
I had four wonderful hours in the open icy landscape with great views all around. A bit of a chilly wind. I was supposed to think about whether I would do the icecap of Greenland again. Give it a new attempt. Or go to Arctic Canada instead. I did realize that my physical shape was half of what it was the previous year at the same time. Same place. I was missing that extra push in the body. Having said that, it was colder this time, snow was rougher and more demanding. And I was tired after having done 160 km skiing on a prepared track in a week before coming here.
Most of all I was thinking about Teneriffe.

See this video clip here to understand

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