“Do you want to go out camping? Make a fire?”

“Do you want to go out camping? Make a fire?” I asked the girls the other day. Eva answered:
“Not yet.”
It takes time recovering from 51 days on a bicycle. Living outdoors. In a tent. Meeting many different people. Seeing new things every single hour. Pam said it felt like experiencing 2 years in a month.
Many readers write and ask why I publish so little stuff nowadays. I am toot tired. I am still in recovery. Mentally and physically. Little sleep, too much food and many great opportunities! But, I am used to it. So it is way easier to handle compared to back in the youth. I know it takes time. And you have to adopt into “normal” life. In my case meaning looking after the girls. Keeping on preparing for upcoming Expeditions. And editing. And living full on!
In my early days I often felt lonely, misunderstood and quite low in emotionally. Nowadays I have the girls, the best of friends and collegues.
The girls? They always do way better! But, yes, they´re tired too!
I saw this great documentary on Netflix the other day, because it brought these issues up! https://www.imdb.com/title/tt15293256/
Photo Album from the ride
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