Documentary In Progress: Like Son Like Father
3rd of January 2020
Again waiting for an exciting flight. Taking me to yet another big challenge and job, but such a priviliged one. I was honored to be asked by a good friend to do a documentary. Oddly enough he likes my raw style of telling stories. With time I realized I needed help to be able to handle this extraordinary topic of life and desth. So I asked a very good friend of mine to become part of the project. She said yes. She is a film maker, editor, photographer and, most of all, a great human being. I am very happy for this development! Where and withwho andabout what? Stay tuned!
5th of January 2020
Very happy to say we have taken a huge step forward on our journey to the documentary Like Son, Like Father. And wonderful to see how happy Umut is in Barcelona! Sofie is doing a great job! See more about the project at
7th of January 2020
The documentary with the working title Like Son, Like Father has taken a huge step forward. I have had angst how I would be able to deliver on this huge and emotional issue. But after 4 days in Barcelona I feel happy and confident. Taking in Sofie on all levels has been fantastic. Umut is an extraordinary man. Meeting Umut with his extraordinary family, has moved the film forward to such an extent, we have a base. Barcelona has also been at its best with springlike weather, great cafes, great wine and less tourists thankfully. Good time to come! Read about the documentary at
12th of February 2020
“Have you ever seen death in the eyes?”
Ernest Hemingway in “A Midnight In Paris”. He is sitting in a smokey bar in Paris having just arrived from the Spanish Civil War. I love that scene. A touch of a history which faschinates me.
I felt that feeling in real life the other day. I met Umuts “Mum” number one and two in Barcelona. Umut is staying with the most interesting, warm and extraordinary family one can imagine. Perfect for him!
The whole visit was like cut from a movie. Carmen and Pere have had an extraordinary life. Carmens dad was Fernando Claudin, Her journey of life includes growing up in Moscow during Stalin and Chrustjov. And being forced to leave Spain by Franco. Pere´s story is as dramatic. So the conversations around the lunch table was with the best I have had.
Most of all, I am happy for Umut. He couldn´t have a better family. Very strong and emotional filming too. Right now, when I just arrived back to Sweden and Malmö, I am emotionally extremely tired. But also very happy. Meeting new wonderful people, Umuts strong character and openness and our new super power, Sofie. Such a wonderful human being. Things are really coming together.
See more at