Up until 1997 I rock climbed unregularly but enjoyed it a lot. Most of the climbing took place at Bisbergs Klack in my home district of Dalarna. A fantastic place with great views from the top. Suddenly it was closed to climbing by the regional county board Länsstyrelsen. They claimed it was for the protection of predator birds. That desicion ended my rock climbing “career” until this weekend. Together with Pam I went to one of the most beautiful areas of southern Sweden. Kullaberg. Also considered one of the best rock climbing areas in Sweden. We did an excellent beginners course run by Mikael Blixt från Go Climb. We both did it first of all for proffessional reasons. I have challenges ahead which needs rock climbing skills. Pam too. But also because we believe climbing is an integral part of modern outdoor life. Something we want the girls to enjoy and get involved any day soon. The girls spent two days in the tent next to us. No complaining at all. During the weekend I realized what has happened at Bispergs Klack is happening in many areas. Länsstyelsen, th elocal county boards, are closing down many climbing areas. Same shady reasons as regards to Bisbergs Klack. Desicions taken by people with an outdated view on modern outdoor life. The modern version includes kayaking, climbing and so on as part of nature. That is how you become a lover of nature. And a protector of it. How hard can it be? Not by sitting on a chair with romantic views of our nature that are outdated. Another interesting note from this weeks excellent introduction back into rock climbing. Was this. Most, if not all, of the other students, came from well to do and academic backgrounds of middle class Sweden. And as I understand, most who do take this excellent intro course are. They have the time and money to do it. Sad but true. It won´t help that Länsstyrelsen make it less accessible. Read this article about Bisbergs Klack https://bergsport.se/2014/09/11/calleberg-kritiserar-klatterforbudet-pa-bispberg/?fbclid=IwAR269KjdCccjFIqjajAyqhkvGj0ajWgvpWcW5zt3uNRazG7wo2g1IDvC2j4

Mikael Blixt