Investing in the big journey continued today. The girls and me went together to Löplabbet in Malmö. I realized that I have to invest in proper running shoes. The other day I ran with my trailshoes on asphalt and got serious pain in my heels. I re-read Born To Run and realized it is the shoes. So today we went to Löparlabbet (The Running Lab) in Malmö. We met Ole who knew his thing. So after doing the compulsary test of what my feet look like, he chose to pairs. one heavier and one lighter. I have always been for lighter one´s. And I was amazed whilst slogging up Kebnekaise with the girls a month ago. As regards to how many who still buy those heavy and clumpsy hiking boots! Instead of light traishoes with gaiters. Those days are gone! But, it turns out the heavier Brooks Energize Neutral felt the best for my idea to go up to half marathons. But no further. And keeping more or less the same speed. Plus age of course. Even though we discussed Christopher McDougall´s book Born To Run. Which says any shox or cushioned runners will eventually lead to injury. And proves it with its stories and was confirmed by Ole at Löplabbet. Still we took the desicion for the heavier shoe. Time will tell, but it felt perfect. Thanks to ole and Löplabbet for the help and conversation. Anyone thinking of making running part of their lives, go to a specialist. And please read Born To Run! Ah, on the recommendation of my running coach Anya I also invested in Black Roll for massage and recovery!

Eva Strandberg