Warsaw: A Race And A Meeting
Today I met an extraordinary human being. A friend of my great Polish agent and friend Anya Kowalszyk. So, her wonderful friend has climbed all highest peak on all continents. Including the highest of them all, Mount Everest! Most important though, Milka Raulin comes across as a very warm and empathic human being. We had only 30 min to talk. She and her family coming back from a months journey in a car. The girls and me heading back to Malmö. With this beautiful medal commemorating the Warsaw Uprising. Our time in Poland has been a mix of work and steaming weather and great company. A great ending to three weeks of an extraordinary holiday! Thanks Anya for your hard work! Read more about Milka Raulin here @http://www.bogumilaraulin.pl/ and herehttps://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bogumi%C5%82a_Raulin
”Dont shame us. Dont end up last!” These were my daughter Evas words. Before I set off together with an estimated 13000 other runners in Warsaw. Commemorating the Warsaw Uprising against the Nazis 1944. This was an incredible 10 K run through the Old Town of Warsaw, cheering Poles on route and sounds of bombing Nazi planes on and off. And an incredibly humid and warm evening. The run for me started at 21.30 and I managed not to shame my daughter. Anya my agent and friend and Feliks from the local running team beat me easily with 5 minutes. It took me 8 kms to get the machine going and another 10 K would have been beneficial, but I really enjoyed this first race in my life. I placed 300 something on the plus 50 list, so ok. I learned a lot about preparations, attitude and running with injuries from my great friend Anya the runner. Thanks for this great gift Anya. (I also liked the bottle of whisky your mum gave me as a gift afterwards!) I see this race as a small piece in the preparations for the big journey to come.