Kidz In The Outdoors: Söderåsens National Park
You need to have many ideas in the loop to survive as a film maker. One of them, that I have been thinking about for years, is a kind of an outdoor series for kids, how to enjoy the outdoors, specifically urban kids. So, the girls and me have spent the last two weekeds trying t figure things out. Well, I am doing the figuring and the girls just…eat. And they love listening to music in the car heading for our chosen destinations. Seriously, they love the outdoors too, but getting them to say and do what i would like, ain´t easy. This weekend we thought talking how to dress, the basics, so Dana forget her fleece jacket and Eva had only one thin pair of socks in her Wellingtons. Well, I don´t even own a pair of boots. I hate them. I only use trainers with Sealskinz. Has worked well for me for years on most temperatures. Anyway, I will shoot a few scenes up soon for our visit today at the marvellous Söderåsens National Park, just 55-60 km.s away from Malmö. Cool day, 4 easy km:s up to Kopparhatten, lunch on fresh pasta and many students from lund visiting and making too many sounds for the filmmaker to like. Oak forest, streams and crisp air. Great place!