
Yura didn´t say many words on the journey, but when he did it was always of great importance. Most of his journey was dominated by getting to a campsite hald way between Uchugay and Arkah were his pregnant wife Svetlana was waiting. When he got there, the first thing she said to him was how ugly he was due to a serious coldsore he had picked up! When we arrived at the campsite, three days later Svetlana was chipped oit in a big MI-8 helicopter to be flown all the way to Khabarovsk and the hospital there. The documentary from this epic journey, winner of the Golden Goggles, can be seen at the Siła Marzeń – Festiwal Przygody (Adventure festival) in Warsaw 26th of May 18.20-19.35 http://www.festiwalsilymarzen.com/ .

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