The murals of Northern Ireland are really spectacular. Northern Ireland in itself is still a quite unknown touristdestination and of course in these Brexit days, I have worries what will happen to the Ireland situation, because when visiting Northern Ireland, you realize it is a hotspot things can go wrong quickly. But also a place full of great people, sights and murals. The ones in Bogside the best! Back in 2010, we the Strandberg Family, with a 6 months old Eva, we did a tour of Northern Ireland on behalf of the the Irish Tourist Board. A great trip! Read more here at
I personally rate, after travelling on a bicycle, quite a lot on foot, by horse, donkey, camel…so I know what I am talking about, there´s a hidden gem here in Northern Ireland, not mentioned in the guide book about Ireland we brought (Insight guides)…well, not to ramble on….Torr Head Scenic Route is definitely amongst the 5 best scenic coastal routes I have ever seen!
This is what I wrote after having done a tour of Northern Ireland on behalf of Discover Ireland Tourist Authority. They gave me and my family a car and we fell in love with this small slice of a country. Back in 2011. Eva was little, but tough and Pam and me finding ways to survive. This journey made us happy. Read more at

Rain was pouring down hard when we drove into the parking lot at Carrick-A-Rede and I wondered if I should go and see for myself, since I expected it wouldn´t be a lot to see. I am quite used to the over dramatizing by guide books and tourist boards, so I had absolutely no expectations.
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This was part of journey the family did to put more emphasis on Northern Ireland, asked for by Discover Northern Ireland Tourist Board. A great trip!

I have never been big on whiskey. And after I had spent almost an hour with Ben, a Polish bloke gone Irish, and he had taught me the elementary rules of the different types of whiskey and he made me smell (since I was driving, I didn´t drink of course, but smelling is better than tasting I was told, which makes sense) and see the different colors and quality I realized why a have never been a whiskey man. It has to do with drinking the wrong whiskey. Or I should say being introduced to the wrong whiskey. (Am even spelling it the Irish way, not the Scottish, which is whisky) The case has been, either I have been given or tasted a smoky, peaty single malt Scottish whiskey, which is only for those special occasions in the right setting, but not anything you drink to relax. Or it has been some cheap American bourbon which makes your intestines growl. Let me just tell you, after this visit I am a fan of Irish whiskey, especially Blackbush. So smooth, nice and tasty. The main difference between Scottish and Irish whiskey (and American), is that the Scottish is distilled twice, the American once and, the Irish, three times!