Film&Marketing Workshop in Luxemburg
I signed up for this workshop for EAVE in Luxemburg first of all because I have lately felt that it is impossible for me to compete with film makers who have more than 2 employes. I just can´do all the connecting, money searching and lobbying myself. It is just impossible. So that was the main reason for coming here, via Hanoi, finding out if there were any new platforms for my films than the old traditional one´s which involves all mentioned above. Plus to meet some other film makers and producers. And, of course, get inspired.
It was basically run by a Dutch team, Pim Hermeling and Frans Van Gestel, with Danish back up in the shape of Susan Wendt. It was mainly for those who produce, directe and do film. So budgets are completely different and for me all these figures mentioned, where just another world. That just doesn´t happen within the genre of documentary film making. We were only 3 people involved in documentaries. Still, t was interesting to see who they are, the sales agents, producers and distributors where money plays an important role. Though being Dutch and Danish they were of course very low key.
The group in itself, me the oldest, was full of interesting people from all over Europe, unfortunately no English. However, two of the speakers where Londoners and I have to say, I enjoyed their presentation the best. Even thoug all of them gave me something of value.
So, the issue of new possibilites is dead. The only one´s who have any advantages there, are the rich and mighty. So film makers like me, are stuck with the old regime. And, as I understood, if I want to raise my game, I might be forced to get an outside producer who spends the time needed to fund my projects. I will think about and I have earlier had two offers.
However, when it comes to contacts and inspiration, I got all I needed at this stage. SO, even though I was extremely tired when arriving from Hanoi, I leave the course satiesfied. But, I would have preffered a workshop only for doc makers. And, very important, I got new ideas about the ENgland Documentary and those who I thought where most important when judging my trailer, liked it. That was a relief,
The Land Of Hope And Glory – A 750 km Long Road Movie (Official Trailer) from Mikael Strandberg on Vimeo.
*This workshop was made possible with the help from: