This kit list as regards to Expedition England is based on the needs of me and my daughter Dana. The third member, Georgia, who will introduce herself the day we start the expedition, since I have received so many questions on the topic and I want to make it a bit special since it took such a time to find somebody and it turned out so good (!), she will bring her own kit. Tent, rucksack, clothes, personal effects and so on, but she will assist me in carrying Expedition gear and Dana stuff.
This list, take away the stroller, toddler gear and tech kit, can be used as a reference for outdoor walking in Northern European like climates. However, you need to add more fuel and food to the kit list.
1 Mountain Buggy Terrain Stroller with Raincover, Mountain Buggy
1 pump
2 pkts of puncture repair kit and levers
1 Foam pad
1 Sleeping bag (heavier and colder than mine, but there´s just no pro kit for toddlers)
Toddler rain proofs
1 pair of toddler sandals
1 all terrain boots
a bunch of tights
2 warm hats
1 pair of thin gloves
1 fleece toddler jacket
2 pairs of socks
3 DVD (Ice Age, Shrek, Lion King)
1 Backpack, 65 liter, Lifeventure
1 Backpack 25 liter, Eagle Creek
Raincovers for backpacks
4 Waterproof stuff bags, Lifeventure
1 Tent (3 season), Courtesy of my friend Leon McCarron
3 season sleeping bag
1 Therma Rest
1 Goretex jacket with hood and trousers, Mountain Hardwear 1 pair of sandals 1 pair of running shoes, Diadora
2 long sleeved shirts, Mountain Hardwear 2 trousers, one which can be used as shorts, Mountain Hardwear 2 T-shirts, Mountain Hardwear
1 pair of polythene socks 2 pair of wool socks 2 underwear 1 pair of thin long johns for camp 1 pair of light shorts for camp
2 tophats
1 vest
1 pair of thin gloves, Mountain Hardwear
1 fleece jacket, Mountain Hardwear

1 LED lamp, Ledlenser 1 Camelbak Packs medium, Camelbak
1 pair of Sunglasses, Julbo
1 750 ml Camelbak bottle, Camelbak
1 Soto Muka stove, SOTO
1 gas canister
1 cup, Lifeventure
1 set of pots and pans
1 Leatherman Tool, Leatherman Tool
1 knife
1 fork- and spoon
3 1.500 000 Maps
Map cover in plastic, Lifeventure
Personal effects
1 Note book
1 account book
1 big roll of tape for the feet
1 lipbalm
1 sun tan cream 50
1 passport
2 credit cards
1 big roll of duck tape
1 roll of electrical tape
1 towel (small one)
Toiletries (personal use ,e.g small soap, tooth paste, toothbrush, 2 rolls of toilet paper)
Medical bag (aspirin, bandaid, bandage, rennies, Compeed)
Technical Equipment
1 Canon XA10
1 Kata Raincover
2 boxes of SD Cards (16 all together, 32 mb/95)
1 Canon recharger
3 batteries
1 pair of earphones from Apple (small)
1 Sennheiser Microphone with windcover from Rycote Deadcat
2 cables
2 GoPro´s (1 hero 3 and 1 Hero Plus), Scandinavian Photo in Malmö and Anders Nordgren
3 different settings for the GoPros, for handlebars, my head, my chest
1 Lumix GH
1 Lumix recharger
1 Wall Recharger
batteries, cables, USB drives, transcenders, adapters, plugs
4 hard drives from Samsung 1 TB each
2 LaCie Rugged Mini USB 3.0/ USB 2.0 1TB Hard Disk Drive
1 hard drive 1 TB from Seagate
1 lightweight laptop Acer Aspire V5
1 charger
1 Iphone 4s which works as compass, GPS and route plotter
1 juice pack Mophie (extra battery pack for Iphone)
1 software from ViewRanger (all 1;25 000 maps of England including GPS), ViewRanger
Our partners on the trip, see here!

Arita, rafi and I are looking to reach you, hope you get this message, xoxo Liz
>send me an email on