First term pretty much finished!
I do get a fair amount of questions from readers who wish to know the development of my Arabic…..well, the truth is that it is better than when I came! It is like life itself, it has gone up and down, but since the first term is almost over, one day to go, I am more than happy that I took the choice to come here.

There´s no doubt that I have had some of the best moments of my life here. Much of it is due to the people I have come across here. It has been such a busy month where I have had problems catching my breath in between lessons, meeting people, planning the Expedition and trying to handle all these, at times, unbelievable impressions that you continuously run into here in Sanaa. So, just to get a bit of a break,and meet my great friends in Oman, I will head for Yemen’s neighbor for a four day visits. I will keep you updated about the visit.
Learning anything new in life, you need a good setting -it couldn´t be better than Sanaa, due to that very few Yemenis speak English plus that they´re very happy to take their time to listen to you- and you need a well established school plus good teachers and if you like me, are in a group, inspiring fellow students. I have very strong opinions on the subject of teachers, I firmly believe they have the most import work on earth, and therefore, you need good teachers -good humans with a mission- to get inspired to study. I have had one teacher which has inspired a lot, Rashad, during my first term studies.
Rashad´s life is like any other Yemeni teacher, meaning a lfe dominated by lot´s of preparations and patience mixed with how to handle and survive the pressures of normal life. Take Rashad, he is married with kids, his wife studies, so he supports them both, plus two of his brothers who are studing at university plus his father who´s not in the best of shape in life and he dreams of an easier life with better payment and the possiblity to buy a car, a house and to gather enough money to be able to do a pilgrimage to Mecca. But the cost to do this is enormous. Yesterday he was away from school due to an eye problem caused by stress. So, the same applies to modern people all over the world, life is plagued by stress to fulfill dreams of the many.
My visit to Yemen constantly reminds me what a privileged human being I am!