Whatever I do, when trying to find a new idea where to set up my next Expedition, Siberia turns up in my head the most mysterious ways. This morning I receieved a request from a Polish Expedition, who´d like to explore the Kolyma. One of many after Johan and my Expedition along this great river 2004. He´d seen my film, or parts of it, on Yout Tube. It was one of my best friends, Ollie Steeds, who showed me You Tube. He is one of the modern versions of a true explorer, but he is using the new techniques to get his messege across and whilst helping him to do a few slots about the Samí situation, this great Nordic people, when he was doing a job for Al Jazeera, he showed me how to use You Tube. And he said, why not set some Siberia slots up there, for people to view, which I have done. I have, since then, received a lot of response worldwide. It seems like a lifetime ago and I really wonder, what can I find to equal the Kolyma? because, the thing about exploring is of course that for every Expedition, you want it to be the best you´ve ever done. But still today, this hour, the Kolyma seems unreachable. Do see the 7 programmes we did from the Kolyma for a Swedish Television sit com. They´re all in Swedish, but footage should be enough. Just click here.

Explorer Mikael Strandberg